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Podcast S1 E7: Sex In Marriage

Sex was designed as God’s gift for us to be enjoyed in marriage

The much-anticipated episode is here – Sex In Marriage! This topic can be a major challenge for couples simply because it’s not something people feel comfortable talking about, yet the health of your sex life in marriage plays a vital role in the strength of your connection as a couple.

In this 2 part episode, we talk about 6 ways to improve physical intimacy in your relationship. No, this is not the sort of self-help advice you’ll hear on most media outlets these days, but we unpack a few ideas that focus on the heart connection first, before getting physical.

We also discuss the idea that sex in marriage is God’s gift for us to enjoy each other and not something to be seen as negative or “dirty”. Sex within the confines of marriage is the ultimate manifestation of a couple’s oneness through trust, vulnerability, and connection.

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Episode List

  1. S1 E1: How Relationships Flourish
  2. S1 E2: Marriage Myths
  3. S1 E3: Let’s Talk
  4. S1 E4: The Master Plan
  5. S1 E5: Differences
  6. S1 E6: Handling Conflict​
  7. S1 E7: Sex In Marriage
  8. S1 E8: How to be effective in your role as a husband or wife
  9. S1 E9: Married with kids – The 3 R’s on the mission of raising the next generation
  10. S1 Bonus: Yvonne Godfrey – Effective Parenting
  11. S1 Bonus: Marriage Mentoring – Neil and Sharol Josephson

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