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Giving the
Ultimate Gift

Most people see the value of honouring their parents, but many people would not know where to start when asked to write a tribute.

We’ve created a practical step-by-step guide that makes the process of writing a tribute to your parents so much easier and we’re giving it away for FREE.

A Step-By-Step Process

The easy to follow process in our guide helps to make writing a tribute to your parents an enjoyable activity

Step 1

Download your free Guide

Step 2

Set aside the Time

Step 3

Write your Tribute

Step 4

Give the Ultimate Gift

A Tribute:
The Ultimate Gift

A thoughtfully written Tribute is arguably one of the most meaningful gifts your parents will ever receive from you.

Our FREE guide will take you through a step-by-step process to writing a tribute.

Tribute On Air

Listen to the below interview with Wynand and Nikki from FamilyLife NZ on radio Rhema

What others have said

Here’s what some of the readers of our guide had to say about writing a tribute

“I had a very tough upbringing and I did not have a good relationship with my Mother at all.

I was extremely reluctant to write a tribute at first because my parents were never there for me and I didn’t have any good memories to draw from. However after I prayerfully considered how I could honour my mother while at the same time being truthful to my own experience I found that I could write some words of appreciation. I was able to take her perspective, understand her failings and honour her effort and her worth.

I wrote a letter as a tribute – I never heard back from her – but my sister told me after she died that she had said she had wished she had written to me. 

My Mother died with regrets and yet, because I had written a tribute, I had none!”

"I heard about the writing a tribute through a FamilyLife message as a way of honouring my Mum.  As I sat down and started to think about what to write it forced me to look back and remember the many sacrifices she had made for me.  I found myself way more appreciative of her than I expected.  It gave me a new appreciation of who she was.  Once it was written I wrapped it up to give to her but was challenged to read it out loud to her instead.  This was a difficult thing for me to do but as I did I saw Mum start crying.  The words meant so much to her.  By the end we were both in tears.  She now has the framed tribute in her bedroom and has told me how much it means to her.  I'm so thankful I took the time to honour my Mum in this way.  Since then we have both been better about saying or writing things that we appreciate about each other through cards and texts.  It has definitely deepened our relationship".

"Since before I could remember, my Mum and Dad set a precedent in our home of regular sincere encouragement. It was unlikely that any small task of goodwill would pass without a letter or word of praise being given in return. It was this environment that taught me the power of expressing any kind words that passed through my mind.

My Dad was unwell my entire life. At the time I wrote my tribute to him, he was recovering from yet another medical set back. I wanted to let him know how much I admired, respected and appreciated him while he was there to hear me say it. When I read to him how much I appreciated everything he’d done for me, the look on his face confirmed that a few simple words on a piece of paper was the best gift I could have given him.

I will be eternally grateful to my parents for teaching me the power of encouragement. At the day of my Dad's funeral, it made the day so much easier knowing that he had already heard every word that I said in my eulogy. I'm so thankful I wrote my tribute and got to say it to his face!”

"I had the privilege of being in South Africa to celebrate my mothers' 70th birthday and together with my sister we wrote a tribute to my Mum reflecting on all of her life and how she had shaped and impacted our lives. It was a very significant time for my sister and I as we did this together – sharing memories and stories and reflecting on different traits that we each valued in our mum and were thankful for. We still talk about it!

We read this tribute to mvy Mum at her 70th birthday celebration and it was the best gift we could have given to her. There were tears and hugs in the moment and later in the day Mum sat with us to express how much the tribute meant to her, how valued and loved she felt and how very special it was for her to hear about things she hadn’t even considered as important or meaningful that had meant so much to us and to relive special memories together too.

The reading of the tribute at the celebration lunch was a highlight for us all in celebrating Mums birthday. Mum framed the tribute and it hung on the wall next to her bed. It was the last time we all celebrated a major family milestone together as my Dad died just 2 years later.

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