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Two Tribes Become One

Traditionally, when a couple marry, they come together as a couple first, and children are added to the family later. Within blended families, family comes first, and it can be very hard for a couple to ever have time to themselves. Their relationship can often be subject to the needs within their complex family dynamics. The children also need help to adjust to the changes in their world.

Resources For Stepfamilies

What To Expect

This event is for any couple (dating, engaged, or married/in a relationship) in a blended family (where either one or both have a child or children from a previous relationship/s).
It’s designed to help couples understand more about the complexities of blended families and how this impacts their relationships (spouse/partner/children) within the blend. This particular event is for adults only, to allow you time to focus on your relationship without distractions.
The event will be presented by FamilyLife and includes a video presentation by Ron Deal (Director of FamilyLife Blended in the USA and President of Smart Stepfamilies).

Upcoming Events

23 March 2024

Elim Christian Centre Manurewa
9:00 AM

11 April 2024

Grace Vineyard City Campus
7:00 PM

10 May 2024

Hastings Elim Church
7:30 PM

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